姓名: 李冬娜
研究方向:1. 木质生物质转化利用;2. 绿色包装材料
1.2021.5-至今 天津科技大学轻工科学与工程学院包装工程系 讲师
2.2014.7-2017.8 天津市腾华吸塑包装制品有限公司 技术助理
1.2017.9-2020.6:天津科技大学 轻工科学与工程学院 工学博士
2.2011.9-2014.3:天津科技大学 包装与印刷工程学院 硕士
3.2007.9-2011.6:大连工业大学 纺织轻工学院 本科
2. 过渡金属氧化物修饰全组份木质炭气凝胶复合电极材料的制备及其储能机理的研究,国家自然科学基金(31870564)2019.1-2022.12,参加。
3. 木质碳源驯化污水混合菌种合成生物塑料聚羟基脂肪酸酯(PHAs)的研究,天津市自然科学基金(18JCYBJC90100)2019.1-2021.12,参加。
4. 基于混合菌种驯化木材酶解多糖合成生物塑料PHBV的研究,生物质材料科学与技术教育部重点实验室开放基金(SWZ-MS201906)2019.1-2021.12,参加。
1. Dongna Li, Jianing Li, Xiaojun Ma*. Accumulation of bioplastic polyhydroxyalkanoate with different substrate forms from pretreated waste lignocellulose hydrolysate. Industrial Crops & Products, 2021, 172, 114061. (SCI一区, IF: 5.645)
2. Dongna Li, Xiaojun Ma*, Jianing Li, Binqing Sun. Insights into enhanced polyhydroxyalkanoate production by the synergistic use of waste wood hydrolysate and volatile fatty acids by mixed microbial cultures. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 337, 125488. (SCI一区, IF: 9.642)
3. Xu Yan1, Dongna Li1, Xiaojun Ma*, Jianing Li. Bioconversion of renewable lignocellulosic biomass into multicomponent substrate via pressurized hot water pretreatment for bioplastic polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulation. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 339, 125667. (共同一作, SCI一区, IF: 9.642)
4. Dongna Li, Xiaojun Ma*, Fen Yin, Yujuan Qiu, Xu Yan. Creating biotransformation of volatile fatty acids and octanoate as co-substrate to high yield medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoate. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 331, 125031. (SCI一区, IF: 9.642)
5. Dongna Li, Fen Yin, Xiaojun Ma*. Towards biodegradable polyhydroxyalkanoate production from wood waste: Using volatile fatty acids as conversion medium. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 299, 122629. (SCI一区, IF: 9.642)
6. Dongna Li, Fen Yin, Xiaojun Ma*. Achieving valorization of fermented activated sludge using pretreated waste wood feedstock for volatile fatty acids accumulation. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 290, 121791. (SCI一区, IF: 9.642)
7. Dongna Li, Jiao Zhou, Xiaojun Ma*, Jianing Li. Synthesis of a Novel Biocomposite of Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) Reinforced with Acetylated Cellulose Nanocrystals. Cellulose, 2019, 26(16): 8729-8743. (SCI一区(小类分区), IF: 5.044)
8. Liyan Ma1, Dongna Li1, Lina Wang, Xiaojun Ma*. In situ hydrothermal synthesis of α-MnO2 nanowires/ activated carbon hollow fibers from cotton stalks composite: dual-effect cyclic visible light photocatalysis performance, Cellulose, 2020, 27(15): 8937-8948. (共同一作,SCI一区(小类分区), IF: 5.044)
9. Dongna Li, Jianing Li, Biyun Ren, Tongtong Li, Xiaojun Ma*. Synthesis and characterization of wooden magnetic activated carbon fibers with hierarchical pore structures. Polymers, 2018, 10: 435. (SCI三区, IF: 4.329)
10. Dongna Li, Yin Chen, Fen Yin, Lizhi Zhu, Jianing Li, Xiaojun Ma*. Facile synthesis of Mn/N-doped TiO2 on wood-based activated carbon fiber as an efficient visible-light-driven photocatalyst. Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 53:11671-11683. (SCI三区, IF: 4.22)
1. 马晓军,李冬娜,尹芬. 一种污水发酵木质碳源合成PHBV的方法. 中国,申请号: 201910493083.5.
2. 马晓军,李冬娜,尹芬. 一种木质碳源污水混合菌种厌氧合成挥发性脂肪酸的方法. 中国,申请号: 201811489535.4.
3. 马晓军,尹芬,李冬娜. 一种木质碳源驯化污水混合菌种合成聚3-羟基丁酸酯/3-羟基戊酸酯共聚物(PHBV)的方法. 中国,申请号: 201811077609.3.